How Do You Handle Customer Complaints

While speaking with a few business owners recently, the topic of customer complaints and refund requests came up.  Has that ever happened to you?

Of course, you need a written agreement that establishes scope for an agreed upon price.  But what if the customer perceives they did not receive what was agreed upon?  Or perhaps, circumstances changed (like COVID).  What now?

Your options include ignoring it, fighting it, complying with it.  All have their benefits.  All have their risks. 

In the end, your reputation is on the line.  What will be the impact on your future sales? 

In the end, your best plan probably involves making the refund, or re-doing the work.  But then, after you regain their trust, have a person-to-person conversation with a sincere effort to learn all you can about their perceptions and what you can learn from it to improve your service approach. 

It is not that you made a mistake, it is about how you handled it. 

Treat it as an opportunity for an education in how to improve your customer service and strengthen your brand reputation.

If you are interested in learning more about a clear, proven strategy for service in your business—let’s talk.

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