Did you know...

98% of business owners do not know what their business is worth.

What is your business worth?


Do you know why that might be important for you to know?

If you are planning for your business to provide the best return on your effort, and help fund your retirement in the most comfort, then it is important to know how much your business is worth now, and then use that information to help drive your business to provide the best value you can get from it. 

Top 10 Reasons for a Business Valuation:


1)       You get a better understanding of Your Business, and it’s potential.

2)       You know the value or your largest asset, so you can plan for Retirement.

3)       You can ensure the business and your family are Properly Protected.

4)       You can create a Succession Plan most effectively.

5)       You can pay the right amount when you Buy an on-going Business.

6)       You can get what your business is really worth at the time you Sell.

7)       You can create Buy/Sell Agreements with business partners.

8)       You can explore Funding Opportunities with Banks and other lending institutions.

9)       You can establish a Trust or create an Estate Plan.

10)    You can prepare for Taxable Events such as gifts or grants (or divorce).


Knowing the true value of your business is critical to effective business planning and to achieve your personal goals.  Through our valuation process, powered by BizEquity, we can help you answer questions that will lead you to make better informed decisions for your future.

… Let us show you how!

How the Process Works

First, let me know you are interested in learning more.  That can be either by email or by registering at the button above. 

We will schedule a time to get acquainted, talk about your business, your goals, and what you need most from a valuation – so that we approach it from the right perspective.  There will be no obligation.


If we decide to go forward, I will forward a data form to you by email so that you can provide all the data necessary to complete the valuation.

There will be an initial fee of $1,200.00.  If you decide to buy a monthly coaching program subsequent to the valuation report, as long as that time is within 2 months of the report, the fee will be credited toward the cost of your coaching program.  


Once the process is complete, we will schedule a time for a Zoom call to provide you the report and help you understand what it all means, and provide recommendations appropriate to your goals.  The time to complete will usually be within 2 weeks.

Let's Get Started

"Choose a job you love and you will never work a day in your life." - Confucius

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