Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning.

- Benjamin Franklin, Inventor & Founding Father of the United States

6 Steps to Financial Freedom Webinar

Hi!  My name is Steve Chiama. 

In case you do not know me, for the last several years I have coached business owners get more from their businesses using a combination of my own experience along with proven systems & tools created by ActionCOACH. 

On October 14th, at 9 am, I will share an overview of those systems by webinar on Zoom.  You can see for yourself what results you could have. 

One system I will share is a simple formula to improve the profits and cash flow into your business.  That system is 1 part of the 6 Steps to Financial Freedom. 

Would you like to join us to see how you could get more from your business?

Join us
6 Steps headline

Quarterly Planning

 Do you have a business that you want to grow more?

  • Grow it to make more money?  Or to make money more consistently?
  • Grow it to help more clients?
  • Grow it in a way that allows you to have more free time?  While making more money?
  • Grow a team that works well together effectively and efficiently, with high productivity and competence?

Would you like those kinds of results? 

The business owners who get there quickest are the ones who take their dream, then turn the dream into specific and measurable goals, then learn what they need to complete those goals, then take what they learned and turn it into a plan, then they take action and implement their plan.  And they do that every quarter – at least.

 At the end of every quarter I host these workshops for my clients to help them update their plans for the next 3 months.  It is included as part of their program.  But I offer you the opportunity to also participate in this 6-hour workshop for a nominal fee of $350 and set up the activities that will help you accelerate your business growth.  

On December 13th I will host a virtual workshop on Zoom from 9 until 3 to guide business owners through the steps of building their plans for 2025 Q1  (January - March).  This will be a group workshop.

The way this process will work; once you register:

1.    I will call you to arrange payment.

2.    After payment arrangements are completed, I will send you an initial workbook, and a Zoom link for the workshop itself. 

a.    The workbook will guide you through a series of questions to help you list out what you already have working well, and what could be improved to take you to the next level of results, and then determine which steps need to be done soonest. 

b.    If you need help through that, we can arrange a call to talk through the details.

3.    At the workshop, I will guide you through the process of choosing which specific improvements are most important for you for the upcoming 3-month period.

4.    After that, we will break each goal up into actionable steps. 

5.    Lastly, we will schedule them into your calendar – so they actually get done.

6.    After the workshop, if you want to talk about how to make faster progress toward your goals, we can schedule a separate conversation to talk about your specific situation, and a plausible way to get it done sooner.

Would you like to join us? 

Join us for GrowthCLUB

Morning with a Coach...

Every week, a few of us get together virtually on Zoom for a "Mini-Mastermind Group".  

Are there business insights do you have that you would like to share?
...Or questions you have that might help you get more of what you want from your business?

There are no fees / no lectures / no sales pitches / just ideas and information sharing.  
We get together on Thursday mornings for 30 to 45 minutes, from 8 to 8:30 - or so - to get ahead of the daily schedule of meetings and events.  

If you would like join us and participate in these conversations, click on the button below.  The Zoom link will be emailed directly to you. 

Team Meeting